An axis is a visual scale indicator meant to relate positions on a Cartesian plane to real-world data. Hypocube has two axis components: XAxis and YAxis which work the same way and accept the same props.

Usually, axes are used in conjunction with tick marks, which indicate landmark data points with a label. Hypocube uses two props to describe tick marks: tickPositions is the actual position of the ticks on the Cartesian scale, while getTickLabel is a function which derives the tick label from the position. In the following example, we are using both axes. Notice the different functions passed to getTickLabel.


Non-linear scales

What if we wish to plot the data on a log (or other non-linear) scale? It is important to note that Hypocube deals only with data on a Cartesian plane; to plot on a log scale, our scale is created differently. In this example, the endpoint of the y-axis is 3 (instead of 1000): the number of "logs". Of course, any data you plot needs to be similarly converted.

const data = [
[0, 4],
[1, 3],
[2, 32],
[3, 190],
[4, 754],
return (
<Chart height={300} view={[0, 0, 4, 3]} gutter={[20, 20, 50, 50]}>
tickPositions={[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}
getTickLabel={(pos) => `#${pos + 1}`}
tickPositions={[0, 1, 2, 3]}
getTickLabel={(pos) => String(Math.pow(10, pos))}
<LineSeries data={[x, y]) => [x, Math.log10(y)])} />

Categorical scales

A special case of non-linear scales are categorical in which the position on the axis can be mapped based on its index. For example, the source data could contain strings for the x-axis data.

const data = [
['Cat A', 4],
['Cat B', 3],
['Cat C', 32],
['Cat D', 190],
['Cat E', 754],
return (
<Chart height={300} view={[0, 0, 4, 3]} gutter={[20, 20, 50, 50]}>
tickPositions={, i) => i}
getTickLabel={(pos) => String(data[pos][0])}
tickPositions={[0, 1, 2, 3]}
getTickLabel={(pos) => String(Math.pow(10, pos))}
<LineSeries data={[x, y], i) => [i, Math.log10(y)])} />

This example demonstrates a categorical x-axis and a logarithmic y-axis.

Cat ACat BCat CCat DCat E1101001000


range[number, number]
The start- and end- point of axis rendering. The main axis line will render between these two points; tick marks that fall beyond these points will not be rendered. It defaults to the min and max values of the the Chart view along the same dimension.
The position of the axis, defined by the point at which it intercepts the crossing axis.
An array of numbers indicating tick positions on the Cartesian scale.
getTickLabelnumber => string
A function which produces a tick label from the position of that label on the Cartesian scale.
A text label for the whole axis.
Styles which will override the global chart style.
renderTickMarkReact.Component<{ position: Point, label?: string, chartStyle }>
Render prop for tick marks (both the line marker and label). See the TickMark component docs for more information.
renderAxisLabelReact.Component<{ position: Point, label: string, chartStyle }>
Render prop for the axis label. See the AxisLabel component docs for more information.